Praggnanandhaa: An Inspiring  Journey That Goes Beyond The Dazzling  Limelight

  Praggnanandhaa, the young prodigy from Tamil Nadu achieved the remarkable grandmaster title at the young age of 12 years, 10 months, and 13 days. Notably, he is the youngest in India to hold the prestigious GM title and the second youngest in the world. But, beyond this dazzling limelight, there is an inspiring journey that moulded this young wonder. Let’s have a look at it.

 Pragnanandhaa’s parents were facing a common challenge that today’s parents face- children spending hours glued to the screen enchanted by their favorite cartoons. Pragnananandha’s elder sister, Vaishali was also caught up in the allure of television. To address this dilemma, they enrolled her in a chess class. Little did they know that this step would change their lives.

Further, Vaishali embraced chess with passion and television became a memory. The story took a turn when young Pragnanandhaa while observing his sister play, piqued his curiosity in chess. His sister started to give him the basic lesson. Soon he was enrolled in chess coaching classes. By the age of seven 7, he earned the title of under-8 world champion. And the rest is history.

Let’s take a glimpse into the qualities that forged his remarkable journey.  

#1.Grasping power.

Praggyanandha’s journey into the intellectual world of chess was beyond a simple start; rather it was like a rocket launch. His grasping power in picking up the nuances of the game paved the way for extraordinary strides in the tournaments.

# 2. Power of patience and focus.

Chess demands patience and focus that extend far beyond the ordinary. Here the young Pragnayanadha showcased extraordinary patience that belied his age. Further, with each move, he displayed his ability to remain laser-focused.As a result,  his games last for hours. Thus,  his unwavering focus on giving the best in each game makes him stand out.

#3. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

One of the crucial lessons, that a chess player learns is the importance of planning. Praggnanadha understood it and planned his tournaments with the guidance of his coaches. Subsequently, this strategic approach helped him to adorn the grandmaster title at a very young age.   

#4. Analyse your game

When each game finishes, regardless of the result, he assesses and analyses his moves. Similarly, identify your missed opportunities and gain insights on sharpening your moves for the next game.

#5.Perseverance; pursue till you get it.

 His chess journey has seen setbacks as well. He faced losses and defeats in the matches. However, he never got disheartened. Instead, his unyielding grit and perseverance guided him to learn from the losses. As a real champion, he continuously improved and challenged his opponents with new tactics and courage. He considers every match and every move as an opportunity to learn and grow.

#6.The constant learner

Man is a constant learner and learning starts from a young age. Praggnanandhaa epitomizes this human nature. He forayed into chess at a young age and was curious to learn new things. As the sponge-soaked water, he grasped and imbibed all the intricacies of chess with a curious mind.

#7.Passion and practice yield results.

His passion and commitment to the game are evident in his practice routine. He devotes a minimum of six hours each day to sharpen his skills. Furthermore, he actively participates in weekly training camps where the sessions last from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Additionally, he follows and observes matches of seasoned players online. 

#8.The humble champion.

In February 2022, Pragg rose to the throne by defeating the world champion, Magnus Carlsen, in the Airthings Masters. Despite this unimaginable achievement, he remained modest. Instead of throwing grand parties, he made it a private moment of celebration. 

#9. Insights to take home.

 From a humble beginning, he conquered the pinnacle of success. Yet, what truly makes him a role model is his qualities that our kids and adults can emulate. His journey speaks volumes about the power of dedication and the quest for knowledge. His virtues such as patience, humility, and grit make him not just a role model for young chess enthusiasts but an exemplary figure for individuals from all walks of life.   

 In chess as well as in life, the road to success awaits you with a of challenges and setbacks. This young prodigy’s life tells us, that resilience and the grit to get up and try again can pave the stepping stones to victory.

So, for all chess enthusiasts and young players, Pragnanandha’s journey from a cartoon enthusiast to a grandmaster is a testament to the power of qualities such as the willingness to learn, perseverance, planning, dedication, humility, and many more. Be enthusiastic and keep the spirit high. The next successful journey could be yours.


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