playing chess

Playing Chess: Top Ten Reasons Why It Makes You Smarter.

Do the 64 squares and their 32 friends on the chessboard hold the potential to make you smarter? To get the answer, we need to go beyond the chessboard and explore the vast horizon this timeless game of wits offers. Let’s dig deeper and explore the qualities that chess bestows upon you to make you smarter.

#1. Playing Chess Teaches You Resilience

 It’s not there in the dictionary of chess players to give up or fall into the depth of despair when they lose a game. Instead, they analyse their game, identify their mistakes, and learn from the opponents’ moves, and then they bounce back. Therefore, playing chess teaches you to handle failure with grace.  Moreover, you develop failure tolerance and embrace the idea that failure is the stepping stone to success. Thus, chess fosters a valuable life skill called resilience

 #2. Playing Chess Makes Your  Memory Sharp

 Chess is synonymous with memory. It involves intricate patterns and innumerable moves. While playing chess, you need to remember these patterns and moves. Likewise, you must keep in mind the lessons learned from past games and the specific patterns the game demands. Then only you can make the winning move. Therefore, playing chess enhances your cognitive ability to retain information. As a result, your memory improves. A sharp memory has a pivotal role to play in any endeavour you embark on in your life.

#3.Single-Minded Focus

 Unwavering focus is a million-dollar currency in today’s fast-paced world of distractions. Here comes the role of chess. Playing chess requires your mind to be fully present in the moment. You need to contemplate your moves as well as your opponent’s moves. It requires a high level of attention. Over time, you will acquire a heightened level of focus and concentration. They will empower you to excel in other areas of your life as well.

#4.Chess Imparts Emotional Intelligence

As we’ve discussed resilience, it’s not fair to move further without talking about emotional intelligence which is the cornerstone upon which qualities like resilience are built. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions effectively. It helps you to navigate smoothly through your personal and professional lives.

 Chess fosters emotional intelligence. When encountering losses, players learn to manage emotions and they exude an air of calm and composure. Similarly, they learn to avoid impulsive moves by having control over their emotions. All these are part and parcel of emotional intelligence. Hence, playing chess cultivates emotional intelligence and makes you smarter.

#5. Play Chess And Learn Patience

 Playing chess demands patience. You have to wait patiently for your opponent’s moves. So it is no wonder studies suggest chess’ ability to make players more peaceful and patient. When it comes to children, these qualities will translate into better learning outcomes. 

Furthermore, chess is a game we play for an extended period. This implies that you have to wait patiently for the final result. It prepares you to embrace the idea of delayed gratification. Ultimately, it instills the quality of patience. 

#6.Nurtures Problem-Solving Skills

 Playing chess helps to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Chess throws a set of complex challenges that require in-depth analysis and strategic decision-making. Similarly, to come up with the best move, you need to think ahead. While thinking, you need to evaluate the consequences of your opponent’s moves. All these demand a methodological and disciplined approach that any problem requires to reach the solution. This problem-solving skill will come in handy in real-life scenarios. Thus, you will analyse, you will plan, and you will make an informed decision when encountering a problem.

#7. Learn to Manage Stress with a Calm and Composed Mind.

Isn’t it a gift to be calm under stress? Chess can nurture this skill in you. Stress is inevitable in chess, especially when time is running out. You have to make critical decisions that can sway the direction of the game. Therefore, staying calm and collected under stress is crucial. Slowly, with patience and practice, chess players learn to stay calm even under high-stress situations. And it influences the outcome positively. Being calm and composed under stress gives clarity of thought to make better decisions in real-life scenarios.

#8.Playing Chess Sharpens Creative And Logical Mind.

There is no doubt that chess is the best mental gymnastics that you can gift your brain. While playing chess, your left and right brain hemispheres get active. For instance, when you think sequentially to make the best move, you rely on the sequential ability of your brain’s left hemisphere. On the other hand, while you play a positional game, you need to use the right hemisphere of your brain. Thus, chess hones both your logical and creative faculties. 

#9. You Learn Planning And Foresight

 The prefrontal cortex in the brain is responsible for making better planning and judgment. It matures as we grow. It claims that playing chess helps in the development of the prefrontal cortex. While playing chess,  players must anticipate the consequences of each move and weave strategies accordingly.

 Furthermore, you cannot make a move without weighing its risks and benefits. This risk assessment is a life skill that you can apply in real to plan and make the right decision with better foresight.

#10.Playing Chess Fosters Creativity

 Chess holds the potential to boost creativity. As per the findings of a study titled ‘A Study on the Impact of Chess Training on Creativity of Indian School Children’, systematic chess training, systematic chess training fosters creativity and divergent thinking. Thus, playing chess sharpens creative and innovative thought processes. As a result, a  chess player can approach a problem with unique perspectives and innovative ideas. Creative intelligence is something that sets you apart from the crowd.

Let’s Wrap Up.

   Chess is a game that goes beyond the board. As you learn the movements and patterns, you pick up numerous qualities too. These qualities can help you become a smarter person who can navigate the intricacies of life with ease. So, it’s time to embark on your chess journey. Capablanca Chess School is a reputable choice for learning chess, known for its effective and comprehensive chess education programs.


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