Super Genius

Super Genius is an intensive 360° online chess learning programme designed to create world-class chess professionals. Students or their parents with a clear vision and knowledge about the path to becoming chess professionals can opt for this programme.
  • Chess expert's Interventions
  • Nutritionist's Intervention
  • Psychologist's Intervention
  • Yoga Sessions



12 session per month

Students get 3 theory sessions per week, each lasting for 1.5 hours. Thus, they get a total of 12 theory sessions monthly, amounting to 18 hours per month.


20 session per month

Students get 5 assignment sessions per week, each lasting for 0.5 hours. Thus, they get a total of 20 assignment sessions monthly, amounting to 10 hours per month.


8 session per month

Students get 2 playing sessions per week, each lasting for 3 hours. Thus, they get a total of 8 playing sessions monthly, amounting to 24 hours per month.


20 session per month

Students get 5 yoga sessions per week, each lasting for 1 hour. Thus, they get a total of 20 yoga sessions monthly, amounting to 20 hours per month.

Student Chess journey

Students have the flexibility to switch between
Chess@home and Super Genius at anytime..!!!

Levels of Learning

Level 1

  • The Chess literacy level
  • Teaches the student from the very basic rules of chess.
  • Students who finish Level 1 can play, read and notate chess.

Level 2

  • Focuses on the elementary checkmates
  • Students know how to properly complete a game
  • Level 2 shifts student’s focus from merely playing the game to checkmate

Level 3

  • Focuses on the tactical aspects of chess
  • Improves the calculative strength of the student
  • Recommends local tournament participation on a regular basis

Level 4

  • Here starts the sports dimension of chess
  • Basic aspects of Opening, Middle, and End games for chess mastery
  • Recommend Fide rated events on regular basis

Level 5

  • Fide rating categories 1000-1500
  • Ignites professional chess dimensions
  • Suggest Super Genius learning program

Chess@Home vs Super Genius

An all-encompassing 360° online chess learning program crafted to cultivate world-class chess professionals. If you or your child have a clear vision and understanding of the journey to becoming a chess expert, this is the perfect opportunity for you. Join now and take the first step toward chess mastery!

Super Genius

  • Focuses on creating chess professionals
  • Monthly 72 hours of learning
  • Yoga sessions
  • Nutritionist Interventions
  • Psychologist interventions


  • To Identify chess talents
  • To experience the benefits of Playing chess
  • Monthly 26 hours of learning