Learn Chess

         “Chess is an exercise of infinite possibilities for the mind, one which develops mental abilities used throughout life: concentration, critical thinking, abstract reasoning, problem solving, pattern recognition, strategic planning, creativity, analysis, synthesis and evolution.” – Edutech.

Enjoying and winning the game will develop confidence in a self observer kid.

Chess can converge the dissipating energy of a naughty child into productive outcome.

Chess is a magical game, which has enormous benefit specifically AI and CP.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software. It is also the name of the academic field of study which shows how to create computers and computer software that are capable of intelligent behavior. Major AI researchers and textbooks define this field as “the study and design of intelligent agents”, in which an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success.

AI research include reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, natural language processing (communication), perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects.

Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes such as “attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving,creativity, and thinking.” Much of the work derived from cognitive psychology has been integrated into various other modern disciplines of psychological study, including educational psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, and economics.

Chess Improves