Chess @Home

Chess@home is an online chess learning program designed for newbies, intending to help kids and parents identify kids’ interests and talents in chess. Thus, we can guide them in developing their skills and passion for the game through personalized lessons, interactive tutorials, and engaging practice sessions, ultimately fostering a strong foundation in chess and encouraging lifelong learning and enjoyment.
  • The ideal choice for beginners in chess
  • Ignites enthusiasm for chess
  • Enhances cognitive skills
  • Helps students to reach FIDE rating up to 1800 (Level 5)



8 session per month

Students get 2 theory sessions per week, each lasting for 1.5 hours. Thus, they get a total of 8 theory sessions monthly, amounting to 12 hours per month.


4 session per month

Students get 1 assignment session per week, each lasting for 0.5 hours. Thus, they get a total of 4 assignment sessions monthly, amounting to 2 hours per month.


4 session per month

Students get one playing session per week, each lasting for 3 hours. Thus, they get a total of 4 playing sessions monthly, amounting to 12 hours per month.

Student Chess journey

Students have the flexibility to switch between
Chess@Home and Super Genius at anytime..!!!

Levels of Learning

Level 1

  • The Chess literacy level
  • Teaches the student from the very basic rules of chess.
  • Students who finish Level 1 can play, read and notate chess.

Level 2

  • Focuses on the elementary checkmates
  • Students know how to properly complete a game
  • Level 2 shifts student’s focus from merely playing the game to checkmate

Level 3

  • Focuses on the tactical aspects of chess
  • Improves the calculative strength of the student
  • Recommends local tournament participation on a regular basis

Level 4

  • Here starts the sports dimension of chess
  • Basic aspects of Opening, Middle, and End games for chess mastery
  • Recommend Fide rated events on regular basis

Level 5

  • Fide rating categories 1000-1500
  • Ignites professional chess dimensions
  • Suggest Super Genius learning program

Chess@Home vs Super Genius

An all-encompassing 360° online chess learning program crafted to cultivate world-class chess professionals. If you or your child have a clear vision and understanding of the journey to becoming a chess expert, this is the perfect opportunity for you. Join now and take the first step toward chess mastery!

Super Genius

  • Focuses on creating chess professionals
  • Monthly 72 hours of learning
  • Yoga sessions
  • Nutritionist Interventions
  • Psychologist interventions


  • To Identify chess talents
  • To experience the benefits of Playing chess
  • Monthly 26 hours of learning