Chess Benefits

Physiological impact of chess

Chess is the battle of wits for reasons that extend beyond the board. Playing chess stimulates the brain and influences various physiological aspects of a human being. As the players single-mindedly focus on the play, it sharpens their mental faculties.


  • Stimulates the growth of dendrites
  • Increases neurotransmitter production
  • Reverses Dementia
  • Retards the prognosis of Alzheimer’s Disease

The fascinating connection between chess and the brain

There is a reason why chess is called the game of wits. Chess, the intellectual sport engages and activates various parts of the brain. The two hemispheres of the brain get activated when a player makes a move on the board. So, here is an interesting connection between chess and the brain.


  • Activates both hemispheres of the brain
  • Stimulates the temporal lobe for memory enhancement.
  • Promotes mindfulness
  • Activates of the frontal lobe to hone planning and decision-making skills.
  • Engages the hippocampus to sharpen pattern recognition and strategic thinking.
  • Activates the prefrontal cortex to enhance attention and focus.

Chess is an effective tool in various domains

When some players fall in love with chess, they cannot separate it from their lives. Its positive influence is something they wouldn’t want to let go of. Let’s see those positive impacts.


  • Enhances IQ, EQ, and cognitive skills
  • Strengthens spatial awareness
  • Improves language Skills
  • Empowers to manage multiple considerations simultaneously.
  • Honest decision-making
  • Sharpens visualization
  • Nurtures forethought
  • Increases Concentration and attention span
  • Fosters future planning process
  • Increases logical and analytical skills

Chess is a psychological game too

Whether it’s your Pawn or King, moving them even a square demands fair play between thoughts, emotions, and creativity. So, if you analyze the way someone plays chess, you can easily pick up some psychological flaws like fear and confidence. But the cool part is that making corrections over the chessboard is indirectly fixing those mental hiccups.


  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Promotes mindfulness
  • Enhances concentration and focus
  • Foster failure tolerance
  • Teaches stress management